Student Library Advisory Board

The goal of the Student Library Advisory Board (SLAB) is to gather feedback and make changes based on the student perspective, reach out to the student body and the University’s departments, clubs, and organizations, hold regular meetings to build the team and conduct projects that are important to the student advisors and their peers. SLAB provides a mechanism for student suggestions to library administration and allows them to serve as advocates for the university libraries.

What does the SLAB do?

  • Gather feedback from students and advise library administration on library policies, services, facilities, resources, and programs
  • Promote library resources, services, and programs to the greater campus community
  • Recommend specific student-centered programming and services (e.g., Meditation Room and Grow-Wall) to be executed by library departments. The existing undergraduate student government liaison/library management group may also be asked to collaborate on programs development as appropriate.
  • Serve as advocates for the library among the student body
  • Represent student stakeholder interest on the Libraries’ Academic Review Committee (ARC) and Dean’s Advisory Committee (DAC)

What is expected of SLAB members?

  • Offer insight into how the University Libraries can best support a student’s educational experience
  • Provide an informed student perspective on policies, services, collections, space, etc.
  • Attend 2 meetings each semester (4 per academic year)
  • Contribute ideas, consult with other students, and provide thoughtful input
  • Serve a 1-year term, renewable with permission from the Dean and University Librarian


  • Undergraduate Student Government Liaisons (2)
  • Graduate Student Assembly Liaison(s) (1-2)
  • Senate Library and Information Resources Committee student representatives (2)
  • At-large student representatives (2-3)
  • University Libraries:
    • Dean
    • Learning Commons Director
    • Director of Library Assessment
    • Executive Assistant to the Dean
    • By invitation depending upon topic (Associate Deans, etc.)

Selection process: Call for volunteers to be issued annually at the beginning of fall semester. The optimal outcome should be a diverse membership across a wide variety of student categories (adult, residential, commuter, international, students with disabilities, and student library employees).

Revised 8/21/2024

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