Maps, Games & more
Information about other media types available at the UM Libraries, including maps, games, films, audiobooks and ebooks.
- Maps
- Games
- Films: library catalog and Kanopy
- Audiobooks and e-books
Richter Library has the largest collection of paper maps in all of South Florida. There are over 65,000 maps from all around the world. We have topographic, geologic, and street maps as well as ones on special topics. They are listed in our catalog and may be checked out for use.
Are you studying urban growth or some other type change to an area? For many locations, we can offer a time series of maps showing change over several decades or, in some cases, centuries.
Are you planning a vacation? We have maps of national forests and parks as well as tourist maps from across the U.S. and many other countries.
If you’re looking at the art of cartography, we can show you many unusual styles of maps. We also have a wide selection of different projections especially for world maps.
Our map collection has proven useful to folks from the fields of architecture, geography, history, geology, advertising, literature, and many more. How can we help you?
The Richter Library film collection includes both streaming and DVDs. Individual titles are listed in our catalog and the DVDs may be checked out.
We have documentaries on a wide variety of subjects such as politics, environment, and health. There are films about many different countries and situations all around the world.
Our movies date from the 1890’s right up to the present. We have comedy, adventure, westerns, science fiction, romance, and many other genres. Most of our films are in English or Spanish but there are also many other languages available from French to Icelandic. We have an extensive collection of Academy Award winners. We even have a collection of TV programs.
Most of the streaming films are in our Kanopy system which can be accessed from any device. Each person can set up an account (at no cost) so that they can track which films they’ve watched or want to watch. Teachers can make playlists for their classes consisting of entire films or selected clips.
The library has a collection of video games, tabletop games, and role-playing game (RPG) manuals available at Richter library to check-out. Board games and card games are located at the Richter Library front desk for 3 day check-out. Video games and consoles are available at the Creative Studio (Richter Library Room 120). Check-out policies differ between game consoles, so please visit our video game website for a full list of consoles and policies. Video game consoles are in-library use only with monitors available in the Creative Studio. RPG manuals can be found in Richter stacks.
You can search for available games and manuals through our Library Catalog, browse the video game shelf in the Creative Studio alcove, but the easiest way is to click here for the full list. Tabs for each game format can be found at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
For more information about games including the video game music, online educational games, and donating to the collection, visit our Games page. Suggestions for games to add to the library collection can be emailed to the subject librarian, Vanessa Rodriguez, vrodrigu@miami.edu
Richter Library has a large collection of audiobooks on CD as well as titles which can be downloaded from our Overdrive system. Most of the titles are bestselling novels but we also have a selection of nonfiction, classic literature, and seasonal materials. Perhaps for Halloween, you would care to try the original Frankenstein or Dracula novels?
Audiobooks make a nice change from music when driving or exercising. Whether you’re looking for escape literature or something more academic, our collection is worth checking out.
Read or listen to the latest ebooks on OverDrive. OverDrive is a service providing multiple-format e-books downloadable to personal computers and mobile devices. Our collection consists primarily of recent bestsellers and classic fiction titles.
Download the OverDrive app on your phone or tablet, sign on with your CaneID and read the most recent bestsellers. You can also recommend purchases if you’ve been dying to read something we don’t own. Most ebooks can also be downloaded into the Kindle app. OverDrive also has digital audio books for download. Check-out time is 3 weeks with the option to renew. Catch up with the latest books for free on your phone or tablet.
Find the latest fiction, nonfiction, romance, sci-fi, and thriller bestsellers at OverDrive. Read or listen to the books that the latest binge-worthy series is based on and treat yourself to a break from academic reading!