Institute for Public History (IPH)
Finding Aid | Interviews Available Online
Sponsored by the University of Miami’s History Department, the Institute for Public History (IPH) links scholarly activities at the university level with the South Florida community to facilitate and deepen public appreciation about history, encourage interest in historical research, promote the wider use of archival collections, and improve the quality of history instruction at all academic levels.

The Institute is based on the belief that historical research is compelling when approached as a collective experience of discovery that relates community history to national and global concerns among people from different educational, class, and ethnic backgrounds. The involvement of students with community groups and local historical organizations is unleashing creative new links that can help us all better understand our world.
Professor Gregory Bush (History Department) and students with the Institute have recorded a series of oral histories around the issue of public spaces in South Florida. Participants, who are representative of the diverse cultural milieu of the region, reflect and provide insights on migration, gentrification, the history of individual neighborhoods, housing, and community services. These voices help to articulate the ongoing discourse on public space as it applies to this history of development in South Florida.