Rolando Almirante “Telón Abierto” Video Collection
Interviews with theater directors and artists conducted by Rolando Almirante, a Cuban director active in the 21st century.
Art in Action Oral Histories Project
Interviews with directors and founders of local community organizations, students in the Arts in Action program, and immigrants to South Florida.
Luis J. Botifoll Oral History Collection
Interviews conducted principally with members of the first generation of Cubans exiled since the Cuban Revolution, including political prisoners, visual artists, business leaders, educators, and community activists.
Greg Bush Florida Community Studies Oral History Collection
Interviews conducted by Professor Gregory Bush and the Institute for Public History (IPH) about public spaces in South Florida, migration, gentrification, the history of individual neighborhoods, housing, and community services.
Conversations with Dr. William Butler
Interviews of 10 key administrators, faculty, trustees, and alumni of the University of Miami by Dr. Butler from the 1990s.
Joe Cardona Video Collection
Unedited interviews for the documentary Café con leche and videotaped interviews for the documentary José Martí: Legacy of Freedom by Joe Cardona, an independent filmmaker.
Graciela Cruz-Taura Collection
Audio cassette recordings of interviews with Cuban historian Dr. Herminio Portell Vila; Amalia Bacardí, wife of Bacardí founder Facundo Bacardí Massó; and artist Félix Beltrán.
Grandes Leyendas Musicales Cubanas Interviews Collection
Interviews conducted by Eloy Cepero with Cuban-born musicians at the Institute of Cuban and Cuban American Studies at the University of Miami.
Guantánamo Bay Naval Base Collection
Transcripts from an oral history project on Cuban balseros (rafters).
Haitian Diaspora Oral History Collection
Interviews with individuals of Haitian ancestry that are renowned in the world of the arts, community activism, civic leadership, and many professional organizations.
Historic Black Churches Oral History Film Project
Material related to the “Historic Black Church Oral History” film project sponsored by the UM School of Law’s Center for Ethics and Public Service.
Human Rights Oral History Collection
Interviews with Cuban dissidents, including the Grupo de los 75 and the Damas de Blanco, with a focus on the Black Spring of 2003 when the Cuban government arrested 75 activists.
Immigrant Archive Project Interviews
DVD copies of interviews with Cuban and Cuban-Americans for the Immigrant Archive Project, produced by the Latino Broadcasting Corporation.
Diana G. Kirby Papers
Life history interviews with 60 women as part of a research project focusing on patterns of legal and illegal drug use among a sample of Cuban refugees living in the United States.
Valerie Lester Papers
Oral history interviews with Pan Am flight attendants.
Mildred Merrick Interview
Interview with Mildred Merrick by William Walker. Merrick headed Richter Library’s Reference Department and worked for the library from 1959 to 1991.
P.A. Phillips Collection
Oral histories conducted by undergraduate and graduate students with World War II veterans.
Port Washington Public Library Oral History Collection
Transcripts of two interviews with Pan Am employees.
Max Rameau Papers
Interviews documenting activism for the homeless and the poor within the South Florida communities of the African diaspora, with a focus on Take Back the Land and the Umoja Village Shantytown.
Rosenstiel School Oral History Project
Interviews with Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science faculty and others discussing the school’s history and future.
StoryCorps-Warmamas Community Archive (2013-2015)
The StoryCorps-Warmamas Community Archive (2013-2015) is a collection of interviews with enlisted men and women, veterans, their family and friends. The collaboration between StoryCorps and Warmamas is part of StoryCorps’ Military Voices Initiative which serves as a platform to allow military families to share their experiences.
Tad Szulc Collection of Interview Transcripts
Typescript transcripts of Tad Szulc’s taped interviews with Fidel Castro, Raul Castro, and other government officials in Cuba and with Cuban exiles in Miami, Florida, from 1984 to 1985, in preparation for Szulc’s book Fidel: A Critical Portrait.
UM School of Communications: “Last Night in Cuba” Video Interviews
A documentary film that examines the experiences of Cuban exiles leaving their homeland, with interviews of ten Cubans of different ages and socioeconomic backgrounds who fled the island between 1959 and 1963.
UM School of Music Oral History Collection
Interviews with School of Music faculty members and others.
World Wings International Records
Oral histories of Pan Am flight attendants affiliated with World Wings International.
Ione Wright Papers
Transcripts of oral histories with former Pan Am employees, with a focus on the airline’s early activities in the Caribbean and the Pacific.