Graduate Student Study Room
The Graduate Student Study Room is Room 212 in the Richter Library, located on the second floor in the Northwest corner (closest to Ungar and Cox).
The Graduate Student Study Room contains:
- 22 individual study carrels available for daily checkout
- 12 individual study tables
- 3 tables with computers
- 2 lounge chairs
- 66 individual lockers available for daily checkout
- UPrint printer/scanner/copier
- The Graduate Study Room is intended for graduate students from the Gables and RSMAS campuses. Undergraduate and Law students may not use the room. Students enrolled in a Medical Phd or dual degree MD/MS program are eligible to use the room, however students enrolled in the MD program should use the study facilites provided by the Calder Medical Library. Anyone with access to the room is eligible to check out a carrel key card or a study lounge access card from the Richter Circulation Desk.
- Study carrels/study lounge access keys may not be reserved. They are available on a first-come/first-serve basis.
- The Graduate Student Study Room and carrels are not intended for group study, meetings, or social activities. Graduate students employed as instructors may not use the carrels for student meetings, tutoring, or advising. Please respect the needs of others and refrain from any distracting or disruptive behavior.
- A study carrel or a study lounge access key may be checked out for up to 6 hours per day. Carrel keys/study lounge access keys must be returned to the Circulation Desk by the time they are due, or until the second floor closes in the evening, whichever is sooner.
- Carrel and Study lounge access key cards and may be taken out of the library but must be returned to the Circulation Desk by the due time to avoid fines. Fines of $2/hour will be assessed for all keys returned late.
- There will only be one key card and one chair per carrel. Study carrels are intended for individual quiet writing and study.
- Library materials left in the graduate study room or study carrels will be picked up each morning and returned to the shelf. Unattended personal items will be placed in Lost and Found at the Circulation Desk.
Graduate students additionally have access to other individual and group study and research areas in the Richter Library. Graduate students are always welcome to use the generally quiet reading rooms in the Kislak Center and Cuban Heritage Collection (2nd floor). Computers, laptops, and tablets are allowed in these spaces. However, please be aware that since both of these reading rooms are areas that hold distinctive collections, they have a “pencils only” writing policy, and food or beverages are not permitted.
Graduate students writing doctoral dissertations may request access to the Faculty Reading Room. Doctoral students must obtain a letter or email from their advisor or department chair requesting access to the Faculty Reading Room and submit it to the Access Services Manager at the Richter Library Circulation Desk. Upon approval, Library Facilities will arrange to reprogram the student’s CaneCard to provide access to this space.
Please visit the Circulation Desk if you are having difficulty locating a quiet workspace.