U-LINK Librarians and Support for Interdisciplinary Research
Who are U-LINK librarians?
U-LINK librarians are University of Miami librarians who, in addition to their core duties as subject librarians, law or medical librarians, participate on award-winning U-LINK teams to advance interdisciplinary research.
What role does the U-LINK librarian play?
Each U-LINK librarian tailors their roles and activities to the needs of the team and the particular sets of expertise and experience they bring. U-LINK librarians contribute to the team effort by:
Information Access and Management
- finding and accessing information resources (scholarly publications, data sets, databases, etc.). The librarian can also:
- conduct literature reviews
- create online bibliographic guides for the team and/or community engagement purposes (see ex: https://guides.library.miami.edu/publichealth-new)
- lead sessions or workshops for the team on specific resources
Connections to Other Experts
- connecting you to librarians and others on campus with skills and knowledge related to:
- statistical software
- data, data management plans, and data analysis
- qualitative and quantitative research methods
- research software (SPSS, R, SAS, Stata, NVivo, etc.)
- GIS software (ArcGIS, etc.)
- emerging technologies (digital media, 3D printing, AR/VR/MR, etc.)
- presentation and recording technologies (One-Button Studio, podcasting, etc.)
- digital publishing strategies, platforms, software, and tools
- archival and preservation strategies
- digitization and OCR (Optical Character Recognition)
- copyright and rights management
- resources in other disciplinary areas, and
- rare and unique materials in relevant disciplines
Spaces to Collaborate and Engage
- arranging for access to team meeting spaces, technology, and presentation spaces in libraries on all three campuses
- advising on collaboration tools and technologies
Team Communication Strategies
- providing additional perspective, alternative approaches, and insights to enhance team communications.
And more…
U-LINK Librarians may also be able to facilitate engagement with members of the community, share knowledge about grant and funding opportunities, and contribute specialized areas of knowledge, such as particular research methodologies or language expertise. In conversation with U-LINK Librarians, teams may discover even more points of connection and opportunities to collaborate.
Research and Presentations
Librarian-led research projects, presentations, webinars, and other forms of scholarship generated as a result of the University of Miami Libraries partnership with U-LINK:
- Ben-Knaan, K., Clark-Hughes, A., Miller, K., Sobczak, J. (2020, December ). “Exploring Roles for Librarians on Interdisciplinary Research Teams: A Collaboration between the University of Miami’s Office of Research and Libraries.” CNI Fall 2020 Virtual Membership Meeting, online. (Vimeo Recording)
- Ben-Knaan, K. & Miller, K. (2020, September). “How Librarians Contribute to Interdisciplinary Research Teams.” Integration and Insights Implementation Insights. Blog post.
- Ben-Knaan, K., Clark-Hughes, A., Miller, K., Sobczak, J. (2020, September). “Librarians on interdisciplinary research teams—a case study from the University of Miami.” Works in Progress Webinar. OCLC Research. (YouTube Video Recording)
- Sobczak, J. (2020, July). Joining the team: Embedded librarians on interdisciplinary science teams. Lightning talk at the STEM Librarians – South 2020 Conference, online.
- Miller, K. & Ben-Knaan, K. (2020, May). Defining the roles of librarians on high-impact interdisciplinary research teams. Lightning talk at the International Science of Team Science (SciTS) 2020 Conference, online. (YouTube Recording)