Non-UM Patron Access
For assistance contact: Tel: 305-284-3233 | Email: richter.circulation@miami.edu
Alumni have full access to the Richter Library, with a valid photo ID and either a University of Miami Alumni Association card or Alumni ‘Cane Card’. Patrons with an Alumni Cane Card can swipe at the turnstiles for entry. For computer access, you must obtain a temporary CaneID at the circulation desk. Alumni who pay a yearly fee of $50.00 and have an Alumni Cane Card can borrow materials. The yearly fee does not entitle alumni to interlibrary loan services or use of materials on reserve. Alumni can access subscription databases from within the library, and limited remote access is available through the Alumni Portal at http://library.miami.edu/patron/alumnus/.
A Citizens Board member must present a Citizens Board identification card to obtain a temporary pass. The temporary pass allows a Citizens Board member to enter the Richter Library and use print and special format materials.
Faculty and Researchers with a courtesy appointment may obtain a library permit by presenting their Cane Card and appointment letter. A person with a courtesy appointment may enter the Richter Library and use print and special format materials, and may access licensed resources at the walk-up computer stations. Courtesy appointments do not have borrowing privileges and may not use interlibrary loan services, materials on reserve, or have remote access to licensed resources. Additional privileges may be extended if the sponsoring department can demonstrate that the appointee is doing research that directly benefits the University. Contact Cheryl Gowing, Associate Dean, Library Information Systems & Access (cgowing@miami.edu, 305-284-6018). The Courtesy Appointment Application is available at the Faculty Affairs forms page.
Cuban Heritage Collection Users
A researcher should call the Cuban Heritage Collection in advance and make an appointment to use the materials. A valid photo ID with current address must be presented at the Library Circulation Desk in order to obtain a temporary pass. A researcher does not have borrowing privileges, access to computers or interlibrary loan privileges. Researchers may use the microfilm readers when they available. AMIGOS must present a letter from the Cuban Heritage Collection and valid photo ID to obtain a temporary pass to enter the Richter Library and use print and special format materials. AMIGOS that join at the Sustaining, Patron, and Benefactor levels are eligible to check out library materials. AMIGOS do not have access to interlibrary loan services, items on reserve, or remote access to databases.
University of Miami emeritus faculty can enter the Richter library by swiping their Cane Card at the turnstiles. Emeritus faculty have the same library privileges as full-time faculty, including borrowing materials, use of the interlibrary loan service and access to materials on reserve. Remote access to subscription databases is available upon request. Contact Cheryl Gowing, Associate Dean, Library Information Systems & Access (cgowing@miami.edu, 305-284-6018)..
Employee’s Family (faculty and staff)
A spouse, domestic partner, or dependent (age 13-18) of a University of Miami faculty or staff must present a Cane Card to enter the Richter Library, borrow materials, and use computers. The following steps should be taken:
- Create a C-number (via www.miami.ed/myum )
- Verify the Dependent (HR Department)
- Create account in the Cane Card system (done by HR after verification; by emailing canecard@miami.edu )
- Employee and their dependent/spouse/partner must go together to the FLPSE building – 1st floor. A Government issued ID and a $20 payment is required (Visa, MasterCard, Discover or charged to sponsor’s U of M account)
Note that a family member may not use interlibrary loan services or materials on reserve. Remote access to subscription databases is not available.
Members of the Friends of the Libraries who join at the $100 “Patron” membership level or higher are entitled to enter the Richter Library and use print and special format materials. Friends who join at the $250 “Sustainer” level or higher are entitled to borrowing privileges. Ten books and three videotapes, DVDs, or CDs may be checked out at a time. Items can be renewed once and are subject to recall. Friends may not use interlibrary loan services or materials on reserve, nor is remote access to subscription databases available. Friends of the Library should present their library permit or membership card and a valid photo identification to gain access to the Richter Library. Anyone is eligible to become a Friend of the Library with fee payment.
At the request of a senior administrator, a University guest may obtain a library permit. The permit allows guests to enter the Richter Library, borrow materials, and use the computers. A guest may not use interlibrary loan services or materials on reserve. The request must be submitted in advance via e-mail or on University letterhead, signed by the administrator, and approved by the Supervisor of Access Services. A valid photo identification with current address is required.
Jackson Fellows may enter the Richter Library by presenting their Jackson ID (showing “UM” affiliation). A Jackson Fellow may use print and special format materials, and may access licensed resources at the walk-up computer stations. The person does not have borrowing privileges and may not use interlibrary loan services, materials on reserve, or have remote access to licensed resources. These services may be available via the Calder Library.
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
Members of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute have access to the Richter Library with a membership card and valid photo ID. Members will then be issued a library permit, which allows entrance into the Richter Library, borrowing of materials, and use of the computers.
Prospective Student and Family
A prospective student and his/her family member(s) are allowed to enter the Richter Library for a tour and may browse print and special format materials.
A retired employee may enter the library using their Cane Card, and check out library materials. A retired employee may not use interlibrary loan services or materials on reserve. Remote access to subscription databases is not available.
The spouse, domestic partner, parent, dependent (under 19) or other immediate family member of a current UM student may accompany the student into the Richter library as a guest. See the circulation staff to receive a day pass or library permit. The library permit allows future independent library access, as well as the use of print and special format materials. Access to licensed resources is available at the walk-up computer stations. The permit does not grant borrowing privileges, although a student may give one family member proxy access to their library account. Family members do not have interlibrary loan privileges, or access to items on reserve.
Trustees are welcome to enter the Richter Library, borrow materials, and use the computers. A trustee may not use interlibrary loan services or materials on reserve. Remote access to subscription databases is not available. A spouse, domestic partner, or dependent of a trustee has the same privileges.
- Association of Research Libraries (ARL) Reciprocal Borrowing Agreement Cardholder
- Doctoral Student from Another University (Except FIU)
- Faculty Member from Another College or University (except FIU)
- Florida International University (FIU) Faculty Member or Doctoral Student
- OCLC/SHARES/ASERL Reciprocal Borrowing Agreement
For assistance contact: Tel: 305-284-3233 | Email: richter.circulation@miami.edu
Association of Research Libraries (ARL) Reciprocal Borrowing Agreement Cardholder
An Association of Research Libraries (ARL) Reciprocal Borrowing Agreement Cardholder must present a membership card and valid photo identification with a current address to obtain a library permit. The library permit allows an ARL Reciprocal Borrowing Agreement cardholder/faculty member to enter the Richter Library, borrow materials, and use the computers. A cardholder may not use interlibrary loan, view materials on reserve or connect remotely to subscription databases.
Doctoral Student from Another University (Except FIU)
A request by the department chair or librarian at the university where the doctoral student is enrolled must be submitted ahead of time via e-mail or on university letterhead. The student must present a valid photo identification with current address to obtain a library pass. The request will be verified by the Access and Delivery Services Department before a temporary pass is granted. The temporary pass allows a doctoral student from another university to enter the Richter Library and use print and special format materials. A doctoral student does not have borrowing privileges, computer use privileges, or interlibrary loan privileges. A doctoral student does not have remote access to subscription databases or reserves.
Faculty Member from Another College or University (except FIU)
A request by the department chair or librarian at the university where the faculty member is employed, or by a current member of the University of Miami faculty must be submitted ahead of time via e-mail or on university letterhead. The faculty member must present a valid photo identification with a current address to obtain the library permit. The request will be verified by the Access and Delivery Services Department before a library permit is granted. The library permit allows a faculty member from another college or university to enter the Richter Library and use print and special format materials. A faculty member from another college or university does not have borrowing privileges, computer use privileges, or interlibrary loan privileges. A faculty member does not have remote access to subscription databases and may not use materials on reserve.
Florida International University (FIU) Faculty Member or Doctoral Student
FIU faculty or doctoral students must present a signed form from the FIU Libraries and valid photo identification with a current address to obtain a library permit. The request will be verified by the Access and Delivery Services Department before a library permit is granted. The library permit allows an FIU doctoral student to enter the Richter Library, borrow materials, and use computers. An FIU doctoral student may check out materials, but may not use interlibrary loan, utilize materials on reserve or gain remote access to subscription databases.
OCLC/SHARES/ASRL Reciprocal Borrowing Agreement
On-site access privileges through the SHARES. ASERL or OCLC partnerships permit faculty, emeritus faculty, students, and professional library staff of partners’ institutions to use the collections and services at other member libraries. For more information see: SHARES Policy. Participating Institutions. Arrangements should be made through members’ home library.
Professional Academic Librarian
A request must be submitted in advance via e-mail or on university letterhead. The librarian must present valid photo identification with a current address to obtain a library pass. The request will be verified by the Access and Delivery Services Department before a temporary pass is granted. This pass allows a visiting librarian to enter the Richter Library and use print and special format materials. A visiting librarian does not have borrowing privileges, computer use privileges, or interlibrary loan privileges. He/she does not have remote access to subscription databases and may not use materials on reserve.
Retired Non-UM Faculty Member Living in South Florida
A faculty member retired from another institution must present documentation proving former faculty status and valid photo identification with current address to obtain a temporary pass. The request will be verified by the Access and Delivery Services Department before a temporary pass is granted. The temporary pass allows a retired faculty member to enter the Richter Library and use print and special format materials. He/she does not have borrowing privileges, access to reserves, computer use privileges, or ILL privileges. Remote access to subscription databases is not permitted.
Special Collections Division Researcher
A researcher must call the Special Collections Division in advance and make an appointment to use materials. Valid photo ID must be presented at the Richter Library Circulation Desk in order to obtain a temporary pass. A researcher does not have borrowing privileges, computer use privileges, access to reserve items or interlibrary loan privileges. A researcher does not have remote access to subscription databases.
Wolfsonian Foundation Fellowship Program Researcher
A Wolfsonian Foundation Fellowship Program Researcher must present a letter from the Wolfsonian Foundation and valid photo identification with a current address to obtain a temporary pass. The temporary pass allows a Wolfsonian Foundation Fellowship Program Researcher to enter the Richter Library and use print and special format materials. A researcher does not have borrowing privileges, computer use privileges, or interlibrary loan privileges. He/she does not have remote access to subscription databases and may not use materials on reserve.
For assistance contact: Tel: 305-284-3233 | Email: richter.circulation@miami.edu
An individual visitor who is not affiliated with the University of Miami and who does not fit into any other non-affiliate categories may pay a fee to enter the Richter Library. He/she may not borrow materials or use reserve materials, computers, or interlibrary loan services. Fee schedule as follows:
One day pass = $5, one week = $20, four months – 1 year = $100 (patron automatically becomes a Friend of the Library – see that category for benefits of joining.)
A visitor may be permitted to enter the Richter Library if his/her stated intention is to use government information resources, in compliance with US Code Title 44 and Florida Statutes chapter 283. A visitor granted access to the Richter Library under this provision is only permitted access to government information resources and service areas, including access to electronic resources available through the Federal Depository Library Program. A temporary computer login may be obtained at the Circulation Desk in order to facilitate access to government information online. Visitors granted access under the provisions noted above may not use any other library services. See Request Materials from Circulating & Storage Collections to request government documents house in the Libraries’ storage facilities.
International Baccalaureate Program Student from a High School within Miami-Dade County
An IB student from a high school within Miami-Dade County must present a photo ID, and be on the list of approved students submitted by the school’s administration. An IB student does not have borrowing privileges, computer use privileges, or interlibrary loan privileges. An IB member does not have remote access to subscription databases and may not use materials on reserve.
A request must be submitted ahead of time via e-mail or on the organization’s letterhead. The member of a not-for-profit organization must present a valid photo ID with a current address to obtain a library pass. The request will be verified by the Access and Delivery Services Department before a temporary pass is granted. The temporary pass allows a member to enter the Richter Library and use print and special format materials.
UM Neighbor, Cane Community, and CollegeTown Community
A Coral Gables resident may obtain a ‘Cane Community Card’ from the Office of Community Affairs (284-5500). The program provides a discount on our Friends of The Library Program.