Plan Your Visit

Welcome to the Architecture Research Center Reading Room!
Architecture special collections and archival materials will be available for use in the Architecture Research Center (ARC) reading room by appointment only Monday through Friday. Please make an appointment at least seven days prior to your visit. To confirm that we have received your request and if you have any questions about your visit, please email
Directions to the ARC, can be obtained here.
Locating Materials
Prior to your visit you can search the online systems to locate needed materials. You can find books, journals, and manuscripts housed in the ARC special collections by searching the library catalog, the University of Miami online catalog.
You can find archival collections through the ARC’s online Finding Aids. Once you find the Collection you are looking for in the database, you can request materials from individual collections via the request forms.
Requesting Materials
Once you have located the materials you wish to request, please use one of the two forms below.
Architecture Research Center New Research Request form – Use this form if this is your first time completing a research request at the ARC.
Architecture Research Center Research Request form – Use this form if you have previously submitted a research request at the ARC.
Do’s and Dont’s
- Make a resource request at least seven days prior to visiting the reading room.
- Confirm your request has been received by emailing
- Bring ANY food or drink into the reading room.
- Forget to bring your ID.
Viewing Materials
Materials may be used only in the ARC Reading Room. Access to certain collections or portions thereof may be subject to specific restrictions. In some instances, readers may be required to use digital copies of materials. Readers must present photo identification that will be held at the ARC special collections reference desk until materials are returned.
Users will be asked to abide by standard special collections guidelines while using materials in the department. Users must fill out a Conditions of Use Agreement form.
Citing Collections
Proper credit needs to be assigned to all published materials. Citations should include full bibliographic information and read: [Collection Name – if applicable]. Architecture Research Center, University of Miami Libraries, Coral Gables, Florida. [Date of Access].