Grants History

The Goizueta Foundation (2019)
The Goizueta Foundation endows the Roberto C. Goizueta Distinguished Presidential Scholar-in-Residence Program, supporting senior scholars and public intellectuals to conduct up to one academic year of research at the Cuban Heritage Collection.

The Cuban Heritage Collection at the University of Miami Libraries has received $29,850 from Latin American Materials Project (LAMP) and Latin Americanist Research Resources Project (LARRP) to digitize its oversize holdings of the nineteenth-century newspaper La Gaceta de La Habana. LAMP (formerly the Latin American Microform Project) and LARRP are entities devoted to preserving collections and providing access to Latin American and Caribbean cultural heritage material and are administered by the Center for Research Libraries.

The Goizueta Foundation (2014)
The Goizueta Foundation endows a Graduate Fellowship Program and supports the continued growth of the CHC.

The Goizueta Foundation (2009-2014)
The Goizueta Foundation has made a five-year commitment to the University of Miami to support a comprehensive University-wide plan that will enhance and expand the reach of the Cuban Heritage Collection.

Knight Foundation (2011-2012)
Knight Foundation awarded funding to digitize materials documenting Cuban theater in Miami in the 1960s and 1970s and to create a multimedia online exhibition:

Miami-Dade County
CHC received funding from the Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs and the Cultural Affairs Council, the Miami-Dade County Mayor, and Board of County Commissioners, with special appreciation to Commissioner Rebecca Sosa, District 6 (2005-2009), to curate a series of exhibitions at the Stephen P. Clark Government Center.

State of Florida Division of Cultural Affairs (2006)
State of Florida Division of Cultural Affairs funded a project to digitize and create access to two of CHC’s most important collections, the Cuban Photograph Collections and the Historical and Literary Manuscripts Collection.

Institute of Museum and Library Services (1999-2003)
The Cuban Heritage Collection launched its digital initiatives with the support of two grants from Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS).