Instruction, Tours & Room Use

The Cuban Heritage Collection welcomes the opportunity to work with faculty from the University of Miami and area colleges and universities to prepare instructional sessions for undergraduate and graduate classes. CHC Faculty can provide an introduction to the Collection and its resources; select and display materials pertinent to class syllabi; and help develop assignments and instruction sessions using materials from the Collection. To explore these possibilities, please contact us at
Reading Room
The Cuban Heritage Collection Reading Room is open for in-person research Monday – Friday by advance booking and seat reservation. Please see below for instructions on how to make an appointment and request materials.
For University of Miami students, faculty, and staff with a Cane ID:
- Please use the following link to book an appointment at least seven days prior to your visit.
- At the time of booking your visit, please also request the CHC materials to be consulted via our AEON system (to create an Aeon account, click here:
- Once the appointment has been booked and materials requested via Aeon, kindly also email to confirm that we have received and approved your request and if you have any questions about your visit.
For external patrons, researchers, and visiting scholars without a University of Miami Cane ID:
- Email with your preferred appointment date and time at least seven days prior to your visit.
- Please request the CHC materials to be consulted via our AEON system (to create an Aeon account, click here
- We will confirm that we have received your request and provide further instructions on your visit.
In order to assist patrons who are unable to visit in person, we maintain a list of local, University of Miami proxy researchers. If you are interested in proxy research assistance please email All research arrangements are strictly between the patron and the proxy.
The following resources can be consulted for help with research:
Our digital collections can be accessed here:
CHC archives finding aids can be searched here:
Some Library research guides are available here:
Information on CHC virtual programming and events can be found here:
The University of Miami Libraries catalog contains many e-books and journals accessible to those with a UM Cane ID, here:
More general remote services offered by UM Libraries as a whole can be found here:
To request help with research, virtual instruction sessions, tours, or if you have any other inquiries for the Cuban Heritage Collection faculty and staff, please email us at
You can also follow the CHC on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter which are routinely updated.