Past Undergraduate Scholars

Jump to:   2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013

Spring 2010

Marcela Arcos-Holzinger
Economic analysis of International Arts Relations, Inc. (INTAR)’s Hispanic Playwrights-in-Residence Lab

Alina Giral
Cuban religious figures of Our Lady of Charity and Oshún

Jorge Mulet
Cuban-born writer and playwright Luis Santeiro

Moises Pérez
Enigma of the Ñáñigo: Authority and Autonomy in 19th Century Colonial Cuba

Elizabeth Salerno
Children’s Theater in Cuba: Play and/or Politics?

Summer 2010

Amanda María Gómez
Queering Cuba: Discovering the Lesbian Presence in Post-Revolutionary Cuba

Alanna Pugliese
The Inaccurate Saint: Devotion to San Lázaro/Babalú Ayé in Cuban Culture in Miami

Brittany Stockman
From the Revolution to the Diaspora: The Role of a Cuban Actress in the Forging of a Transnational Identity

Fall 2010

Denise Arredondo
An Analysis of Maternal Mortality Rates in Cuba

Alejandro Hernández
An Overview of the Interpretations of José Martí in His Life and throughout the Century

Lydia Mackie
An Exploration of Cuban Culinary Traditions during the Special Period

Spring 2011

Alicia Casillas
Legado Cultural

Alina Collazo
Carlos Felipe: A Necessary Study

Harold Gil
Santeria’s Perceptions of Health and Illness

Brian Liegel
Che Guevara: The Embodiment of the New Man

Spring 2012

Regla Alfonso
Lessons from my Ancestors: A Bilingual Essay

Hannah Artman
The Business of Being Exiled: Reconstructing Cuban Culture through Miami’s Zarzuela Advertising

Laura Chaviano
Danzón al rescate: Cuba y México

Alexander García, Jr.
Fort Chaffee: A Short Story about the Lives of Children at a Cuban Refugee Resettlement Center

Kevin Marquina
Lo que cuesta una libreta: A Play about the Immigration Experience of Cuban Scientists

Robin Morey
Origin Stories and the Creation of Race in the Work of Lydia Cabrera

Kennia Pluas
Vámonos al monte: La conexión discursiva entre la religión afrocubana y los movimientos verdes

Mackenzie Sheldon
Teresa María Rojas: The Fire-Bringer

Spring 2013

Marisa Barona & Margarita Hiraldo
Biohydrogen as an Alternative Energy Source for Cuba

Elaine Penagos
Female Archetypes and Stereotypes of Santeria Deities

Thomas Terrill
Criminalization of Afro-Cuban Religions: Urban versus Rural